
Mtech’s My Farm platform supports a responsible potato starch development project

Mtech is a partner in Berner’s new domestic potato starch production development project. The project aims to reduce the environmental impact of cultivation, improve yield levels, enhance production profitability, and ensure efficient information flow throughout the entire cultivation chain. Potato starch is a valuable raw material in various sectors, including food, paper and cardboard surface materials.

Mtech’s My Farm platform is utilized in pilot farms focusing on contract production of potato starch. The platform provides essential tools and features for farmers, including cultivation planning functions, visualization of weather observations from on-site weather stations, disease model forecasts based on weather observations, and documentation of cultivation activities.

The long-term partnership agreement between Mtech and Berner also enables the pilot testing of the digital data model within the Food Data Finland growth engine project. The data model facilitates the efficient transmission of information related to cultivation methods and production sustainability throughout the entire value chain, all the way to consumers when needed. Combined with Mtech’s farm management software, the data model facilitates the comparison of product sustainability and enables traceability based on GS1 standards.

We are delighted to collaborate with Berner on this significant development project. We are committed to supporting Berner in the advancement of potato starch production and promoting sustainability throughout the value chain, from fields to users in the paper industry and consumers. This collaboration strengthens Mtech’s position as a pioneer in sustainable development and digital solutions in the agricultural and food sectors.

Mikko Jääskeläinen
Chief Commercial Officer
+358 50 385 2044

Kalle Erkkola
Business Director