Mtech Core system

Mtech Core System solutions focus on the needs of various stakeholders in the food system, such as collaborations between retail and industry, as well as organizations in the public and private sectors. We provide both ready-made and custom-tailored solutions based on the specific requirements of our clients. These solutions streamline our clients’ business processes and integrate various information systems, thereby improving organizational management and the ability to deliver data-driven services.

Technically, Mtech Core System specializes in modern web, mobile, and integration solutions. Our service portfolio includes tools for data visualization, simulation, and forecasting, reporting, as well as various KPI metrics for efficient utilization of information. MSCS also encompasses versatile solutions for the registration and maintenance of farm, animal, field, and customer data.

Mtech Core System solutions promote intelligent data use, enhance decision-making, and expedite responses to changes in the food system. They provide a competitive advantage to stakeholders and aid in promptly addressing challenges and opportunities prevalent in the industry.


Advanced insemination ordering and handling app

All about cattle health in one system

Mtech is implementing a system that simplifies dairy cattle data exchange around the world